First lecture on Cell Biology and Microbiology will start at 8:30 a.m. on October 10th in room 01 EG 005. The password for the moodle course will be announced during the first lecture so that the enrollement in the moodle course will be possible starting from October 10th (after the lecture).

First lab Course on Cell Biology and Microbiology will start on October 18th in room 10 02 008.

The first seminar on "Communication and Presentation" will take place on October 10th at 10:15 a.m. in room 01 02 005. After this seminar, enrollment key will be provided so that you can enroll in the course.

The first lecture on "Instrumental Analytics" will take place on October 10th at 12:15 in room 01 02 003. Enrollment key will be provided at the end of the lecture so that you can enroll in the course. In this first week, there will be no exercises. They will start on October 17th at 14:00 p.m (Group 1) and at 16:00 p.m. (Group 2).

Dear students, welcome to the agricultural biotechnology lecture. The first lecture will take place on Friday, April 12th. Wishing you the best and looking forward to seeing you there. 

The course "Academic Methods and Principles" will be offered as concurrent course for the study programs AB, BE, and SAg.

For participation in the module, please enrol in the moodle course BE 4392 (BE_29). All information and course documents will be provided via this moodle course only.

The password will be announced in the first lecture. Enrollment in the moodle course will be possible from 4th October (after the lecture).

Please note that a binding registration via the according tool (to be found at the top of the moodle page) is necessary for participating in the exercises.

The start of the exercises will be on 18th October.